
Pick a number one through ten, 一定会有这样一本书,书名中有这个数字和“领导力”.

的 First Two Rules of Leadership. 的 Four Factors of Effective Leadership. 的 Eight Dimensions of Leadership.

Search “leadership books” on Amazon, and more than 50,000 results appear.

但十大网络娱乐平台注册并没有提供一种适用于所有人的、教科书式的领导力方法. 相反,领导力发展已经融入了哈佛大学的DNA,比如mba项目 汉森 Leadership Program (HLP). 22岁的校友特拉维斯·汉德勒(Travis Handler)和23岁的校友曼迪·莱布(Mandi Laib)分享了成为HLP的一部分如何影响他们在十大网络娱乐平台注册的教育以及毕业后的下一步.

HLP is named after Zenon C.R. 汉森 and was founded in 1994. 该项目为十大网络娱乐平台注册的学生提供了许多发展领导技能的机会, including:

  • Raising money for cancer re搜索 through Relay for Life
  • Helping incoming students transition to campus as Orientation Leaders
  • Learning and living with other Doane student leaders in the Directions Cohort

每年都有40名十大网络娱乐平台注册的新生被选为“方向”项目的一员. 学生们一起住在套房里,在入学的第一年,每周与一位领导力导师会面. Across all four years of the program, 学生还需要学习四门领导力课程,并完成80小时的社区服务.



HLP 校友 Spotlight: Travis Handler ’22Image of Travis Handler wearing large, 轮, black-framed glasses, a blue and white houndstooth shirt and grey blazer. In the backg轮 is a gothic-style building with a green roof.

Travis Handler (he/him) came to Doane as a student-athlete from New Mexico. As an eighteen-year-old focused primarily on baseball, 他申请《正规赌博十大平台排行》是因为奖学金和与其他七名学生住在一个套间式房间的机会.

“你知道,我们不需要和大厅里的其他人共用一个浴室?” Handler joked.

虽然汉德勒最初认为他只会做最低限度的工作来保持他的方向奖学金,同时专注于棒球, his suitemates strongly influenced his Directions experience.

“I was so blessed to have seven roommates who were just incredibly driven. Being sur轮ed by those guys really pushed me to be better,” he said.

Handler’s Directions suitemates remain some of his closest friends.

Not long into Handler’s time at Doane, his baseball career ended. He had just been elected the Chair of the Doane Leadership Educators (DLE), 通过HLP促进和促进学生之间领导力对话的学生团体.

“I didn’t even vote for myself. Initially, I was like, ‘Dude, I don’t want to do this.’ To make matters worse, I had this guy, 五胞胎, blowing up my phone,” Handler said, though that impression quickly changed.

五胞胎 Geis, the Director of Career, Leadership, & 在汉德勒成长为DLE主席的过程中,他成为了他的重要顾问. Geis在2020年春季和夏季与Handler密切合作,重新设想学生组织的目的.

“我开始容忍昆特对[HLP]的热情支持,并真正理解他在推动我,因为他看到我和[DLE]的潜力很大,” Handler said.

当Handler在秋天回到校园时,他和DLE的学生们开发了 On 的 Way Up video interview series, 促进了十大网络娱乐平台注册学生和全国校园领导之间关于领导力的对话. Handler’s team also laid the foundation for Emerging Leaders, a leadership workshop for Doane students facilitated by DLE. Both initiatives continued after Handler graduated in 2022.

“现在回想起来,我看到Instagram上所有的帖子,我的心都在歌唱. 看着它渐渐超越我,看着他们比我做得更好,真是太酷了。”汉德勒说.


“I had a pretty good first semester, grades-wise. But I had a great second semester. I owe a lot of that to what y’all instilled in me in HLP,” he said.

汉德勒分享说,虽然他为自己在法学院取得的成就感到自豪, he’s constantly re-evaluating where to improve. 他解释说,他的HLP经历灌输了一种成长的心态,并使他具备了人际交往能力,为他成为一名成功的律师奠定了基础.

“Law, at its core, is a service-based practice. You’re building rapport, and the most valuable asset you can have for the client is trust,” Handler said.“Having those interpersonal skills, 理解不同的人有不同的需求,你需要灵活地适应这些需求,这是非常有价值的.”


HLP 校友 Spotlight: Mandi Laib ’23Image of Mandi Laib, wearing a dark red, 衣领附近有内布拉斯加大学林肯分校校徽的短袖polo衫. In the backg轮 is Love 图书馆, on UNL's city campus.

Mandi Laib (she/they) graduated a year after Handler. Like Handler, 莱布从外州来参加一项运动(垒球),并参加了方向队. In her case, she was a first-generation student.

“甚至没有很多人跟我谈论大学会是什么样子,” Laib said “I watched some YouTube videos where people were like, ‘Here are five tips for college,’ and tip number one was to make sure to study.”

莱布解释说,当她来到十大网络娱乐平台注册时,她对大学的概念非常模糊, 但她很快就在《正规赌博十大平台排行》的室友那里找到了她正在寻找的支持.

“I had a great suite. (我的室友)会注意到我比其他学生更挣扎或更磕磕绊绊, and they’d help me out,” she said.

莱布在十大网络娱乐平台注册的前四个学期,都要上一门领导力课. 这些课程教会了她领导理论和汉森领导课程的四个价值观:赋权, 勇气, Depth and Advocacy. Before long, 莱布在校园里是一位公认的领导者,她有机会利用自己的领导才能改变十大网络娱乐平台注册同学的生活.

“I remember when I was a freshman, I knew nothing. [As a junior], my friends would just send people my way all the time. ‘Oh, you need help with this? Go ask Mandi,’” Laib said. “I really enjoy empowering people, so that was really cool.”

莱布是内布拉斯加大学林肯分校学生事务管理硕士项目的第一学期学生. 他们在学术成功和过渡中心担任学术成功教练.

“我和学生们一对一地工作,使用我们在HLP中讨论过的东西。. 鼓励和培养技能,确实适用于HLP. 我之前谈到的赋权部分,基本上就是我的工作,”他们说.


“I think that was something that I knew how to do, but I didn't execute it very well before HLP,” Laib shared.

As Laib looks towards their career in student affairs, they acknowledged that no two days will be the same. 他们计划依靠他们在HLP开发的适应性领导哲学来帮助学生在未来取得成功.


application for the next Directions cohort opens in November.